Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Should I Read Next?

I recently read a blog post about reading books that are outside of your comfort zone and how this particular blogger found herself consistently reading the same sort of book and it got me to thinking.  I looked at my reading history and found that I definitely read the same sorts of books: feminist dystopian fiction, dystopian fiction, biography and memoir, gender studies, history, literature that deals with toxic (OK, dysfunctional and f***** up families) people and relationships as a way of making a point about society.  I don't learn anything that I really don't already know. It's not pushing me to learn anything new.  I read because yes, I enjoy it VERY much but I read because I like to learn.  It's very satisfying to me.  And I can't do that with reading the same sorts of books over and over again.

So, in that vein, I am looking for reading recommendations.  What should I read next?  I DO have one request though. Because of my job, I'm looking to avoid legal commentary right now.  I use reading also to re-charge my brain after a long day of work in the legal community and I would prefer to use my limited free time to do something besides that. Please put your thoughts into the comments. 

I cannot WAIT to see what everyone puts in the comments!

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