So I have a lengthy TBR list - it seems like the moment that one comes off, there are like legit, three or four to take that completed book's spot. I am, however, terrible at figuring out what books I should get my kids to read and so I'm going to respectfully ask everyone here! A littel bit about my kids and what they like:
My son is 12 - he'll be 13 in December. He is currently tearing through Harry Potter everything - the movies, books, you name it. He liked The Hunger Games books, the Divergent Books, Ender's Game and the Scythe books. He enjoys reading but isn't a particularly fast reader.
My daughter is a bit more tricky. She's 9 and it's more of a struggle to get her to read. Where my son will pick up books and read (he was reading in the car on the way to ziplining and camping, and at camping would often prefer to sit at camp and read), it's definitely a battle to get my daughter to read. She loves graphic novels best. She reads at grade level.
Of course I'd love to hear recs for me - but this is about getting suggestions for my son in daughter. That being said, I'm not going to discourage you from leaving three recs in your comments - one for each of us!