Sunday, January 21, 2024

Links I love


Last week, I tested positive for Covid. BOOOOO!  I am on the mend (I think). I have one of these  water bottles and I made sure to drink at least one of these a day - I often got close to two (yes, I was going to the bathroom a lot!) and usually I drank 40 ounces of water with these electrolytes in the morning to make sure that I continued to be hydrated.  Here are some stories that I found very interesting this week:

  1. Raw video of a tanker fire.
  2. I was obsessed with this case, and this article asks how many seasons we really need?
  3. Dark academic shows you might like.
  4. Ten facts bout John Carpenter - the Halloween guy.
  5. I'm not sure if this is a first for Buffalo or not.
  6. Latest tumblers at WDW.
  7. The top beach reads predicted for this year.
  8. Not enough participants to have a debate.
  9. This happens way too often. I hiked that loop in  the summer. He was literally in the middle of nowhere.  
  10. Slow cooker soups. We're trying the French Onion soup.
  11. The juror who found herself guilty.
  12. Seinfeld was onto something with the double dip.


  1. I'm so sorry you got covid. Hope you bounce back fast. :D

  2. Oh no. Not COVID. Hope you get better fast.

  3. Thanks guys! i'm on the mend for sure but it knocked me for a loop.

  4. Feel better soon! Enjoying browsing your blog for a few minutes... I try not to terrify myself with true crime but it's just so fascinating lol!

    1. I'm obsessed lol! I think that I just wanted to know why people do what they do.


Links I love

  Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope that everyone enjoyed the day and watching the Super Bowl.   Ten Self Help  books ranked. The best book...